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Arithmetic magic

Arithmetic magic

David Blaine asked the spectator to conceive two numbers. Then he asked to multiply two numbers, each of which greater than conceived by one, then to subtract one conceived number from the result, then to subtract the other, and then to subtract their product, and raise the result to the $n$-th power. After that, David carefully looked into the face of the spectator and correctly told the result. Your task is to repeat the focus of David. Given value of $n$, guess the number obtained by the spectator. \InputFile One integer $n~(0 \le n \le 1000)$. \OutputFile Print one number --- the result get by spectator.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1
Source 2019 ACM NEERC, Qualification, October 6, Problem A