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Simple task Pechkin

Simple task Pechkin

\includegraphics{https://static.e-olymp.com/content/10/106714996ebedf60ab24f7d64a1c936c6190dc0f.jpg} Today, bringing once again part of the bones, which he promised Sharik in riddles "\href{/problems/637}{Bones for Sharik}" and that, as Pechkin already knew he would be a great age, the postman has decided once again to verify mathematical ability Matroskin: - \textit{I am here that I thought, dear friend of mine Matroskin} - flowery language from afar began its task Pechkin. - \textit{That I brought today Sharik 9 seed. Are you there is something mentioned about the cleverest of cats, the prime number. So the question: How many different ways can be decomposed into a handful of these 9 seed, so that in each of the piles was a prime seed?} - \textit{Elementary, Pechkin! Look: 9 = 2 5 2 = 2 3 2 2 = 3 3 3 = 2 7, a total of 4 ways. }- Matroskin answered quickly and proudly went to the next milking their Cows. - \textit{Yeah}, - thought Pechkin - \textit{in practice, already checked that if they wanted to I could not physically pick up and bring more than 330 bones, so my zadachka really simple.} And if you can solve the puzzle Pechkin with which so quickly mastered Matroskin? \InputFile Input data consisted of several test cases (\textbf{t} ≤ \textbf{20}), each of which is on a separate line contains another borne Pechkin number of bones. It is known that Pechkin always brought at least 2 seeds. \OutputFile For each test case on a separate line to derive the number of such locations. Please note that changing the location of the heaps of the new method does not.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 64 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1