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Increasing sines

Increasing sines

Find and print $n$ integers $x_1, x_2, ..., x_n$ so that the sequence of their sines is strictly increasing: $$ sin(x_1) < sin(x_2) < ... < sin(x_n) $$ \InputFile One positive integer $n~(n \le 10^4)$. \OutputFile Print in one line the sequence of integers $x_1, x_2, ..., x_n$, satisfying the condition of the problem. Members of the sequence by absolute value must be no more than $2^{31} - 1 (|x_i| < 2^{31})$. \Examples For the given example, the inequality $sin(-8) < sin(0) < sin(9) < sin(1)$ is valid since it is equivalent to $-0.989 < 0 < 0.412 < 0.841$.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1
-8 0 9 1 
Author Mykhailo Medvediev