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Kozak Us saw his favorite drink in the vending machine (we would have entered its name, but we were not paid for it). It is known that one bottle costs exactly $a$ hryvnia. Kozak Us has exactly $b$ hryvnia, and he is ready to spend all of them in order to buy as much of his favorite drink as possible. However, the vending machine only has $c$ bottles. Find the maximum number of bottles that Kozak Us can buy. \InputFile One line contains three integers $a$, $b$ and $c$ ($1 \leq a, b, c \leq 100$). \OutputFile Print the maximum number of bottles that Kozak Us can buy.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
2 11 4
Output example #1
Input example #2
3 9 5
Output example #2
Input example #3
100 1 10
Output example #3