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The Easy Football Problem

The Easy Football Problem

The 2010 World Cup is almost finished, and some of the main candidates for the title of the best football player of the championship can not decide who is the best.

And now they decided to determine the winner and even refused from the services of programmer Vasya. Now everything was decided by the goals that they scored during the last 3 seasons, or rather - their number.

But the players are proud people, and each of them does not give the number of goals - he says three magic numbers A, B and C, where A is the number of goals in seasons 1 and 2, B is the number of goals for 2 and 3 seasons, C is the number of goals for 1 and 3 seasons respectively.

You need to determine the winner - the one who hit more goals.


First line contains three numbers Messi_A, Messi_B, Messi_C - the magic numbers of Lionel. Second line contains three numbers Ronaldo_A, Ronaldo_B, Ronaldo_C - the magic numbers of Cristiano. It is known that 0Messi_A, Messi_B, Messi_C, Ronaldo_A, Ronaldo_B, Ronaldo_C100.


If for the last three seasons Messi scored more for Ronaldo, print Messi Wins, if scores are equal, print Draw..., if Ronaldo hit more goals, print Ronaldo Wins, if at least one of the players made a mistake - print Drogba Wins.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
3 4 5
2 5 5
Output example #1