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The results of the Olympiad

The results of the Olympiad

$n$ Olympiad participants have unique numbers from $1$ to $n$. As a result of solving problems at the Olympiad, each participant received a score (an integer from $0$ to $600$). It is known how many points everybody scored. Print the list of participants in the Olympiad in decreasing order of their accumulated points. \InputFile The first line contains the number $n~(0 \le n \le 101)$. Then $n$ numbers are given --- the number of points for each participant (the first number is the number of points accumulated by participant number $1$, the second is the number of points accumulated by participant number $2$, etc.). \OutputFile Print $n$ numbers --- the numbers of participants in decreasing order of their scores (participants who scored the same number of points should be displayed in increasing order of their numbers).
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
100 312 0 312 500
Output example #1
5 2 4 1 3
Source Stage II Ukrainian School Olympiad 2011-2012, Berdichev