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Price labels

Price labels

The company "Black Label" has received two orders for manufacturing the supermarket price labels. For each order the number of labels and prices that should be printed are given. Print all the prices for which the labels would be manufactured after the completion of these two orders. Each price must be printed only once.


The first line contains the number n of price tags for the first supermarket. The second line contains the list of n price labels to be manufactured for the first supermarket. The third line contains the number m of price tags for the second supermarket. The fourth line contains the list of m price tags for the second supermarket. All given numbers are integers and do not exceed 109.


Output the values that will be printed on the price labels - each price must be printed only once. The price labels must be printed in ascending order.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
100 25 300 400 12000
10 25 25 500
Output example #1
10 25 100 300 400 500 12000