Try our new interface for solving problems

The sum of powers of two

published at 5/12/12, 8:23:17 pm

Могут ли n и m быть не целыми числами?

awpris replied:
Условие уточнено.
published at 8/5/15, 9:55:31 am

Завдання аналогічне задачі 5314

published at 1/12/24, 2:29:41 pm

include <iostream>

include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main() { long long n,m,a; cin>>n>>m; a=pow(2, n)+pow(2, m); cout<<a;

return 0;


published at 2/23/24, 1:16:33 pm

include <iostream>

include <cmath>

using namespace std; int main() {long long n,m,a; cin>>n>>m; a=pow(2,n)+pow(2,m); cout<<a; }

published at 2/24/24, 4:35:51 pm

include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std; int main() { long long n,m,a; cin>>n>>m; a=pow(2,n)+pow(2,m); cout<<a; }//Nahid Zeyd ve Ressaddan proooo!!!!!