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Rabbit Stewie presented a magic array for Stan on his birthday. This array is able to do two things: replace any number and answer the query of form "_how many different numbers at the interval from a to b?_"

Stan liked the gift, but he was concerned if this present was not a usual joke from Stewie. At first glance, everything was fair: Stan completed a few simple operations, and the array produced fully correct answers. To overcome all sorts of doubts, Stan asks for your help: he's going to thoroughly test the presented array, by a set of operations. You have to prepare the correct answers, so Stan could accurately determine whether an array of truly magical.


The first line contains two integers n and m (1n, m50000). The second like contains n numbers - the initial array. The following m lines contain the description of the operations:

  • Replacement is determined by: c x z, where integer x is the index of array element which value should be changed to z (0x < n);
  • Query is determined by q x y, where integers x, y – are beginning and the end of interval where the amount of different numbers should be calculated (0xy < n) .

All numbers in arrays are not negative and do not exceed 109.


Зкште the result of each query "**q x y**" in a separate line, so it's possible to compare it with the magic array.

Time limit 4 seconds
Memory limit 122.17 MiB
Input example #1
9 9
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
q 1 4
q 0 0
c 2 2
q 5 6
q 1 2
c 8 2
c 1 3
q 0 3
q 5 8
Output example #1
Source ACM-ICPC Ukraine 2012, 1st Stage Ukraine, April 21, 2012