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From guns to the Moon

From guns to the Moon

The way the shell lying between Earth and the Moon. As the projectile was removed from the Earth, gravity decreased, lunar gravity is increased. At some point the way both the attraction - lunar and terrestrial - were to equilibrate, and then the bomb was supposed to lose any weight. At this point of equilibrium attraction every body, which has no speed and no engine, would have remained forever fixed, because both luminaries were drawn to him with equal force, and nothing could make him fly in one direction or another.

If the force impulse was calculated correctly, the projectile was to reach this point at zero speed, having lost any weight were signs along with all the objects located in it. What would happen then? Presented three possibilities.

Either a shell, still retained a certain speed, passing the point of equal attraction, would have fallen to the moon as lunar gravity would prevail over the earth.

Either the projectile would not have enough speed to reach the neutral point, and then he would fall back to Earth, because gravity would prevail over the moon.

Or, finally, moving with sufficient velocity to achieve a neutral point, but not enough to go for it, he would be stuck forever, soaring on the line as the legendary Muhammad's coffin, between the zenith and nadir.

Jules Verne "Around the Moon"

Write a program that determines the force of attraction of the Earth or the Moon more impact on the shell, located at the point (x, y). Center of the Earth is at the point with coordinates (0, 0), the center of the moon at the point with coordinates (384000, 0), the mass of the Earth in 81 times the mass of the moon. The strength of mutual attraction between two bodies of mass m1 and m2, located at a distance r, can be calculated by the formula F = g * m1 * m2 / r2, where g is the gravitational constant, equal to 6.673 * 10−11.


Two integers x (0 < x < 384000) and y (-100000 < y < 100000).


Print the message "Earth", if the force of attraction of the Earth more, or "Moon", if more force of attraction of the moon, or "Equal", in the case of equality of forces. The quotes in the message are not displayed.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 122.17 MiB
Input example #1
100000 0
Output example #1
Input example #4
383999 0
Output example #4