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\includegraphics{https://static.e-olymp.com/content/a3/a318e01601e6fc5070306431988d6581ee40a1d5.jpg} Everyone loves sweets and in particular honey. Winnie the Pooh, too, loved him. Every morning he went "a little snack," and the evening went on a visit to Rabbit. But winter is coming, and Winnie the Pooh began to think about stocks. He decided within \textbf{N} days is not a delicacy in honey, and collect it in a pot volume \textbf{V}. But the first day of their gathering Winnie the Pooh came to Rabbit quite hungry, but with a full jar of honey. And since going to the Rabbit every night to eat was a manifestation of inexperience, Winnie the Pooh decided to eat each day to "little" honey from the pot. Since resist the smell of honey for him it was too difficult, then every day he began to eat honey "slightly" more than the previous day. Necessary to determine the amount of honey collected Winnie the Pooh for all the days of collection. \InputFile In the first line of the input file is the number of tests \textbf{T}. In each of the following \textbf{T} lines through the gap are the natural numbers \textbf{N} (\textbf{N} <= \textbf{300}), \textbf{V} (\textbf{V} <= \textbf{10^7}) and \textbf{K} (\textbf{K} <= \textbf{100}). \textbf{K} -- the amount to which Winnie the Pooh every day ate more honey. \OutputFile For each of the \textbf{T} test to the output stream to be displayed \textbf{2} values separated by spaces. The first line should read \textbf{YES}, if you do not happen that Winnie the Pooh came to the Rabbit with an empty jar and \textbf{NO} otherwise. The second value - the amount of honey harvested Winnie the Pooh in the winter.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 64 MiB
Input example #1
15 100 10
10 10 1
Output example #1
NO 550
YES 55