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Recently new tenants arrived in Moscow Zoo --- $n$ canaries. While the poor chicks languish in temporary uncomfortable containers, the Council of ornithologists in the meeting room of the zoo decide their fate. The scientists have to decide how best to allocate $n$ canaries in available $k$ birdcages in a zoo, so that no birdcage left empty. As the main criterion for placing a bird is a comfort, the ornithologists are primarily interested in amount of canaries in the most populated cage (the cage with with the maximum number of canaries). You are the chief (and, sadly, the only) programmer in a zoo who must estimate this value, that is to find a minimum and maximum number of birds that can be in the most populated cage, if no cage remains empty. \InputFile Two integers: the number of canaries **n** and the number of birdcages $k~(1 \le k \le n \le 10^9)$. \OutputFile Print two integers: the minimum and the maximum possible number of canaries in the most populated cage.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
7 4
Output example #1
2 4
Input example #2
12 3
Output example #2
4 10