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Deep In The Ocean

Deep In The Ocean

After eating brain zombie starts to play a new game. In this game she has n vertices. Some pairs of vertices are connected by edges. Every vertex has the same even number of adjacent edges. Zombie needs to keep some edges so that every vertex has two adjacent edges. If zombie does it she will eat brain of creature sleeping deep in the ocean. Help her!


In the first line there are two integers n and m representing the number of vertices and the number of edges (1n1000, 0m50000). Following m lines contain u and v (1u, vn) - numbers of distinct vertices which are connected. Every pair is connected by at most one edge.


If it is possible to eat the brain of the creature, print E - the number of edges kept, following E lines must contain u and v - numbers of vertices. If there is no way to keep edges, print "Impossible".

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
3 3
1 2
1 3
2 3
Output example #1
1 2
2 3
3 1
Input example #2
7 14
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 7
2 3
2 5
2 6
3 4
3 6
4 5
4 7
5 6
5 7
6 7
Output example #2
1 4
2 3
3 1
4 7
5 6
6 2
7 5
Source 2009 Novosibirsk State University Contest, Petrozavodsk, January 28, Problem B