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A full set

A full set

Alex is still bored. To amuse himself, he took N dices, numbered from 1 to N, shuffled them, took K of them randomly and then recorded their numbers and returned them to the pile. Then he repeated these steps: shuffle them again, again took the K dices, and so on. And now he has a question: how many times he need to do so, that each dice has been taken at least once? \InputFile The single line contains two integers: N and K. 1 \textit{≤ N ≤ }1000 1 \textit{≤ K ≤ N} \OutputFile You should print a single number --- average number of iterations before each dice will be taken at least once. Output response should be with an absolute percentage error of no more than 10 ^7.
Time limit 2 seconds
Memory limit 256 MiB
Input example #1
5 1
Output example #1
Author Евгений Капун
Source Зимняя школа по программированию 2014, Харьков