Try our new interface for solving problems


Given five integers. Among them: \begin{itemize} \item If the same 5, then withdraw "\textbf{Impossible}", otherwise \item If the same 4, then withdraw "\textbf{Four of a Kind}", otherwise \item If the same 3 and 2, then withdraw "\textbf{Full House}", otherwise \item If there are 5 consecutive, then withdraw "\textbf{Straight}", otherwise \item If the same 3, then display "\textbf{Three of a Kind}", otherwise \item If the same 2 and 2, then withdraw "\textbf{Two Pairs}", otherwise \item If the same 2, then withdraw "\textbf{One Pair}", otherwise \item Print "\textbf{Nothing}". \end{itemize} \InputFile In the first row there are \textbf{5} numbers (from \textbf{1} to \textbf{13} inclusive) with a space. \OutputFile We derive a line - the result of analysis.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 64 MiB
Input example #1
1 3 9 3 2
Output example #1
One Pair