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Partition to pairs

Partition to pairs

Space archaeologists discovered on the planet in the neighbouring star system n ancient artefacts, which they numbered from 1 to n. Each artefact has k different parameters, each parameter is characterised by an integer. The artefact i has the parameters ai,1, ai,2, ... ai,k. It turned out that the first parameters for all artefacts are different: for all ij, ai,1aj,1 is satisfied, while other parameters for the artefacts may coincide.

Scientists also discovered a text according to which, in order to activate artefacts, they must be specially paired and combined. The partition of artefacts is correct if for each t from 1 to k you can choose such a number bt that it lies on the interval between the values of t-th parameter of artefacts of each pair. That is, artefacts i and j form a pair, if holds the condition ai,tbtaj,t or the condition ai,tbtaj,t.

Now scientists want to find out if the text is correctly decrypted. To do this, you need to check whether there is a correct splitting of artefacts into pairs. Each artefact must enter exactly one pair in the split.

Write a program that, according to the description of the parameters of the artefacts, determines whether it is possible to split them into pairs so that for each parameter there is a value lying between the values of this parameter of the artefacts of each pair, and in the case of a positive answer displays such partition.


First line contains integers n and k (2n2 * 105, n is even, 1k7) - number of artefacts and number of parameters. Each of the next n lines contains k integers ai,1, ai,2, ..., ai,k - the parameters of artefacts (-109ai,j109, all values of ai,1 are different).


Print "NO" if the required pairing does not exist.

Otherwise, print "YES" in the first line. Then print n / 2 lines, in each line print two numbers - the numbers of artefacts that make a pair. Each artefact must be displayed exactly once.

If there are several valid pairs of artefacts, output any of them.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
6 2
8 6
1 5
6 3
3 1
4 7
7 2
Output example #1
4 1
5 6
2 3
Input example #2
4 3
1 -1 -1
2 1 1
3 -1 1
4 1 -1
Output example #2
Source 2019 All Russia school informatics olympiad, Regional stage, Day 2, Moscow, January 28, Problem D