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Quadratic equation

Quadratic equation

Solve a quadratic equation $a \cdot x^2 + b \cdot x + c = 0~(a \ne 0)$. \InputFile One line contains three integers --- the coefficients of quadratic equation are given in one line: $a, b$ and $c$. The values of coefficients do not exceed $100$ by absolute value. \OutputFile Print in one line the message "\textbf{No roots}" if there are no roots. If equation contains only one root, print "\textbf{One root:}", space and a root. In the case of two roots, print "\textbf{Two roots:}", space, first smaller, and then larger root. It is guaranteed that if the roots exist, they are integers.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
1 -5 6
Output example #1
Two roots: 2 3
Input example #2
1 5 6
Output example #2
Two roots: -3 -2
Source SFE-2010 Variant 11