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Java Fraction 2

Java Fraction 2

Find the sum of numerator and denominator of a given fraction.

Implement a class Fraction that uses a wrapper class MyLong.

class MyLong // Java
  private long a; // one private variable
  MyLong(long a) // Constructor
  public String toString() // Print a variable of type MyLong
  public long GetValue() // Return the value of the private variable

class Fraction
  MyLong numerator, denominator; // numerator and denominator
  Fraction(String s) // Constructor
  public MyLong GetNumerator() // Return numerator of type MyLong
  public MyLong GetDenominator() // Return denominator of type MyLong
  public MyLong Sum() // Return sum of numerator and denominator in the variable of type MyLong


String in the form a/b (-1018a, b1018).


Print the sum of a and b.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1
Author Michael Medvedev