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Depth first search on a disconnected graph

Depth first search on a disconnected graph

Undirected disconnected graph is given. Run depth first search on it. For each vertex print the timestamps when it becomes gray / black in the order of their first visit.


First line contains number of vertices n (n100) of undirected graph. Each next line contains two vertices a and b - an undirected edge of the graph.


Run depth first search on a graph. For each vertex print the timestamps when it becomes gray / black in the order of their first visit.


Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
1 2
5 6
2 4
1 4
Output example #1
Vertex: 1, Gray 1, Black 6
Vertex: 2, Gray 2, Black 5
Vertex: 4, Gray 3, Black 4
Vertex: 3, Gray 7, Black 8
Vertex: 5, Gray 9, Black 12
Vertex: 6, Gray 10, Black 11