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Java Person Teacher 6

Java Person Teacher 6

Implement a class Person.

Implement a class Teacher that extends Person.

class Person 
  protected String Surname, Name;
  protected int Age;
  Person(String Surname, String Name, int Age) // Constructor
  public String toString() // Print Surname Name Age

class Teacher extends Person 
  protected String Subject;
  protected int Salary;
  Teacher(String Surname, String Name, int Age, String Subject, int Salary) // Constructor
  Teacher(Teacher a) // Copy Constructor
  public String toString() // Print Surname Name Age Subject Salary

class ListOfPeople
  ArrayList<Person> a = new ArrayList<Person>(); 
  public void add(Person p) // Add person p to array list
  public int size() // Return size of array list
  public String toString() // Print people in array list. Each person print in a separate line
  public int getTeachersBudget() // Return the total budget (sum of Salaries) for Teachers
  public int getTeachersBudget(String Subject) // Return the total budget (sum of Salaries) for Teachers who runs the subject Subject
  public double getTeachersAverageSalary() // Return the average Salary for Teachers
  public double getTeachersAverageSalary(String Subject) // Return the average Salary for Teachers who runs the subject Subject

List of people will be created:

ListOfPeople list = new ListOfPeople();

Input data will be added to the list. Then next information will be printed:

  • total Teachers budget (sum of Salaries for Teachers)
  • total Teachers budget who runs Maths
  • average Teachers Salary
  • average Teachers Salary who runs Physics


Each line contains one of two types of people in the next format:

  • PersonSurname Name Age
  • TeacherSurname Name Age Subject Salary


Print the next information (each number must be printed in a separate line):

  • total Teachers budget (sum of Salaries for Teachers)
  • total Teachers budget who runs Maths
  • average Teachers Salary
  • average Teachers Salary who runs Physics
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
Person Ivanov Sergey 28
Teacher Petrov Ivan 34 Physics 400
Teacher Babayev Petr 28 Physics 450
Person Lenov Yuriy 21
Teacher Ermolov Kirill 44 Math 400
Teacher Fedoseev Nikita 38 Math 630
Teacher Egorova Dasha 32 Geography 450
Output example #1
Author Mykhailo Medvediev