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A committee clerk is good at recording votes, but not so good at counting and figuring the outcome correctly. As a roll call vote proceeds, the clerk records votes as a sequence of letters, with one letter for every member of the committee: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Y} means a yes vote \item \textbf{N} means a no vote \item \textbf{P} means present, but choosing not to vote \item \textbf{A} indicates a member who was absent from the meeting \end{itemize} Your job is to take this recorded list of votes and determine the outcome. Rules: There must be a quorum. If at least half of the members were absent, respond "\textbf{need quorum}". Otherwise votes are counted. If there are more yes than no votes, respond "\textbf{yes}". If there are more no than yes votes, respond "\textbf{no}". If there are the same number of yes and no votes, respond "\textbf{tie}". \InputFile The input contains of a series of votes, one per line, followed by a single line with the \textbf{#} character. Each vote consists entirely of the uppercase letters discussed above. Each vote will contain at least two letters and no more than \textbf{70} letters. \OutputFile For each vote, the output is one line with the correct choice "\textbf{need quorum}", "\textbf{yes}", "\textbf{no}" or "\textbf{tie}".
Лимит времени 1 секунда
Лимит использования памяти 64 MiB
Входные данные #1
Выходные данные #1
need quorum
need quorum