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Dungeon Wall

Dungeon Wall

In 2337, people are bored at daily life and have crazy desire of having extraordinary experience. These days, "Dungeon Adventure" is one of the hottest attractions, where brave adventurers risk their lives to kill the evil monsters and save the world. You are a manager of one of such dungeons. Recently you have been receiving a lot of complaints from soldiers who frequently enter your dungeon; they say your dungeon is too easy and they do not want to enter again. You are considering making your dungeon more difficult by increasing the distance between the entrance and the exit of your dungeon so that more monsters can approach the adventurers. The shape of your dungeon is a rectangle whose width is \textbf{W} and whose height is \textbf{H}. The dungeon is a grid which consists of \textbf{W}×\textbf{H} square rooms of identical size \textbf{1}×\textbf{1}. The southwest corner of the dungeon has the coordinate (\textbf{0}, \textbf{0}), and the northeast corner has (\textbf{W}, \textbf{H}). The outside of the dungeon is surrounded by walls, and there may be some more walls inside the dungeon in order to prevent adventurers from going directly to the exit. Each wall in the dungeon is parallel to either \textbf{x}-axis or \textbf{y}-axis, and both ends of each wall are at integer coordinates. An adventurer can move from one room to another room if they are adjacent vertically or horizontally and have no wall between. You would like to add some walls to make the shortest path between the entrance and the exit longer. However, severe financial situation only allows you to build at most only one wall of a unit length. Note that a new wall must also follow the constraints stated above. Furthermore, you need to guarantee that there is at least one path from the entrance to the exit. You are wondering where you should put a new wall to maximize the minimum number of steps between the entrance and the exit. Can you figure it out? \InputFile \textbf{W H Nsx_0 sy_0 dx_0 dy_0sx_1 sy_1 dx_1 dy_1...ix iyox oy0 0 0} The first line contains three integers: \textbf{W}, \textbf{H} and \textbf{N} (\textbf{1} ≤ W, \textbf{H} ≤ \textbf{50}, \textbf{0} ≤ \textbf{N} ≤ \textbf{1000}). They are separated with a space. The next \textbf{N} lines contain the specifications of \textbf{N} walls inside the dungeon. Each wall specification is a line containing four integers. The \textbf{i}-th specification contains \textbf{sx_i}, \textbf{sy_i}, \textbf{dx_i} and \textbf{dy_i}, separated with a space. These integers give the position of the \textbf{i}-th wall: it spans from (\textbf{sx_i}, \textbf{sy_i}) to (\textbf{dx_i}, \textbf{dy_i}). The last two lines contain information about the locations of the entrance and the exit. The first line contains two integers \textbf{ix} and \textbf{iy}, and the second line contains two integers \textbf{ox} and \textbf{oy}. The entrance is located at the room whose south-west corner is (\textbf{ix}, \textbf{iy}), and the exit is located at the room whose southwest corner is (\textbf{ox}, \textbf{oy}). \OutputFile Print the maximum possible increase in the minimum number of required steps between the entrance and the exit just by adding one wall. If there is no good place to build a new wall, print zero.
Лимит времени 8 секунд
Лимит использования памяти 32 MiB
Входные данные #1
3 4 4
1 0 1 1
1 3 1 4
1 2 2 2
2 1 2 3
0 0
1 0
Выходные данные #1
Источник ACM-ICPC Japan Alumni Group Summer Camp 2010, Day 4, Tokyo, Japan, 2010-09-20