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An \textbf{8}×\textbf{8} chess board is used to play checkers. Each player starts with \textbf{12} normal pieces ("men") on the black squares of the three rows closest to their own side. During of the game, the pieces may only move on unoccupied black squares. The players take turns moving one of the pieces. A normal piece can slide diagonally forward to an adjacent square. Forward direction is defined as the direction toward the last row, which is the most distant from the player. A normal piece can capture an opponent's piece. To do so, the piece is moved two squares diagonally in any direction "jumping over" the opponent's piece, which is later removed from the board. If the new position of the jumping piece allows to capture another opponent's piece (either "man" or "king") then the move is continued until the jumping piece reaches the position where capture is not possible. A single opponent's piece can be jumped over only once during a move. Captured pieces are removed from the board only when the move is finished. Jumping is mandatory. When there is more than one way for a player to jump, one may choose which sequence to make. Write a program that will analyze the given checkers position and determine the maximum number of black pieces that can be captured by white in a single move, assuming there are no "kings" in the game. \InputFile The input file consists of \textbf{8} lines, \textbf{8} characters each. Capital Latin letters "\textbf{W}" are used to denote white pieces, "\textbf{B}" for black. Empty squares of the board are marked with period characters ("\textbf{.}"). \OutputFile The output file should contain a single integer, the maximum number of black pieces that can be captured by white in a single move, for the given position.
Лимит времени 1 секунда
Лимит использования памяти 64 MiB
Входные данные #1
Выходные данные #1
Источник 2013-2014 ACM Central Region of Russia Quarterfinal, Rybinsk 2013/10/17