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For a matrix, let’s call a subset of cells, S, connected if there is a path between any two cells of S which consists only of cells from S. A path is a sequence of cells u1, u2, ..., uk where ui and ui+1 are adjacent for any i=1,k-1

Given a matrix A with N rows and M columns, we define the following formula for a connected subset S of A: weight(S) = (max{A(s)|s∈S} - min{A(s)|s∈S} - |S|). where |*| represents the cardinality of a set and A(s) represents the value of the cell s in A.


The first line of input contains two number N and M representing the dimensions of the matrix A.

The following N lines describe the matrix. The i-th line contains M integers where the j-th value represents A(i,j).


Print the maximum value of weight(S) between all connected components S of the given matrix.

General constraints

0A(i,j)1091N , M103


  • For 15 points: 1 ≤ N*M ≤ 20
  • For other 15 points: N = 1
  • For other 30 points: N,M20


One of the optimal connected subsets is {(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)}. {(1,1),(2,2)} is not a solution because there is no path between (1,1) and (2,2).

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Источник Info(1)Cup competition - 4th March 2018