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2-3 Trees

2-3 Trees

\textbf{2}-\textbf{3} tree is an elegant data structure invented by John Hopcroft. It is designed to implement the same functionality as the binary search tree. \textbf{2}-\textbf{3} tree is an ordered rooted tree with the following properties: \begin{itemize} \item the root and each internal vertex have either \textbf{2} or \textbf{3} children; \item the distance from the root to any leaf of the tree is the same. \end{itemize} The only exception is the tree that contains exactly one vertex --- in this case the root of the tree is the only vertex, and it is simultaneously a leaf, i.e. has no children. The main idea of the described properties is that the tree with \textbf{l} leaves has the height \textbf{O(log l)}. Given the number of leaves \textbf{l} there can be several valid \textbf{2}-\textbf{3} trees that have \textbf{l} leaves. For example, the picture below shows the two possible \textbf{2}-\textbf{3} trees with exactly \textbf{6} leaves. \includegraphics{https://static.e-olymp.com/content/a1/a1e514cb670e63a700142498a0706610d9fed5c0.jpg} Given \textbf{l} find the number of different \textbf{2}-\textbf{3} trees that have \textbf{l} leaves. Since this number can be quite large, output itmodulo \textbf{r}. \InputFile Input file contains two integer numbers: \textbf{l} and \textbf{r} (\textbf{1} ≤ \textbf{l} ≤ \textbf{5000}, \textbf{1} ≤ \textbf{r} ≤ \textbf{10^9}). \OutputFile Output one number --- the number of different \textbf{2}-\textbf{3} trees with exactly \textbf{l} leaves modulo \textbf{r}.
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