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Eolymp Website Migration

As part of upgrading and improving our system, on 4th of May at 00:00 UTC, we are going to change the address of our existing website www.eolymp.com to groups.eolymp.com.

Learn more

New website interface

We are actively working on improving Eolymp and have prepared a new user interface for you. Thanks to the modern design and the use of new technologies, this interface is much more convenient, faster and easier to use.

Our website changes its name to Eolymp!

The name will lose the dash symbol and become simpler, more compact and visually pleasant.

Soon, the website and related resources will change their address from e-olymp.com to eolymp.com. The existing links will continue to work, but they will perform a redirect to the new address.

Всеукраїнська учнівська олімпіада з програмування у 2020-2021-му навчальному році

У зв’язку зі скасуванням Всеукраїнських олімпіад у 2020-2021 навчальному році, Федерація олімпіадного програмування пройняла рішення провести Всеукраїнську учнівську олімпіаду з програмування у 2021-му році.

Розпочалася реєстрація.

Статистика реєстрації: https://stats.uoi2021.org/

Запланированное обслуживание

В эти выходные мы собираемся перенести часть нашей инфраструктуры на AWS. E-Olymp не будет доступен с 23:00 до 3:00 по UTC в эту субботу и воскресенье. Извините за неудобства.

Follow us on Facebook

Follow us on Facebook to get latest updates about website.

Практикум з програмування на e-olymp

Практикум з програмування на e-olymp

Results XXXІ Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics 2018-2019

Results XXXІ Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics 2018-2019

Summer School Programming and Information Technology 2018

Summer School Programming and Information Technology 2018

Results XXXІ Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics 2017-2018

Results XXXІ Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics 2017-2018

Summer School Programming and Information Technology 2017

Summer School Programming and Information Technology 2017

Results XXX Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics 2016-2017

Results XXX Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics 2016-2017

Group in Facebook

Today I decided to open this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/985986314866721. to help everybody in solving programming problems. I am ready to give open competitions at e-olymp lectures for learning programming. I'll try to present competitions and lectures of different levels from novice to advanced.

Fuad Hajiyev is 60! Happy Birthday!

Dear Fuad Bey! The administration of E-Olymp system and all its users congratulate you with your birthday!

We wish you good health, happiness, courage, goodness, longevity, prosperity, plenty of light and joy, and good students!

Отключение старой системы проверки решений

Мы рады сообщить об окончании тестирования новой системы проверки решений!

В связи с этим мы планируем отключить старую систему проверки решений 15 августа 2015 года. Это означает, что компиляторы Free Pascal, Gnu C++ 4.7.1, Java 1.8.0, Python 3.4.2 и Visual C# 2010 более не будут доступны. Вместо этого вы можете использовать компиляторы с приставкой Judge.

Online Judge upgrade

We've launched new online judge system in test mode! New system is way much faster, better protected, adopted to high load and more informative. Join testing, try to use compilers which have "Judge" in it's name!